Hello and Welcome to the official blog for Environmental Policy Solutions, LLC.
We are dedicated to conservation and restoration particularly in light of climate change.
This blog will primarily focus on issues related to environmental policy, conservation, restoration, and climate change.
Gabrielle Feldman, the owner of Environmental Policy Solutions, will provide most of the content and will moderate the blog.
To find out more about us go to:
- www.enviropolicysolutions.com
- www.facebook.com/environmentalpolicysolutions
- twitter.com/gfeldman74
Environmental Policy Solutions, LLC is committed to
providing scientifically sound, economically feasible, socially acceptable
solutions for a diverse set of issues to assist land owners, coastal and ocean
managers, developers, NGOs, and the public solve their most complex
environmental policy problems. We strive to uphold the highest level of
integrity with a transparent and collaborative approach emphasizing
conservation, restoration, and sustainable development.
We specialize in designing innovative solutions and
integrative decision making tools to enhance the management of natural
resources, improve resilience, promote sustainability, and ensure social
acceptability. Our mission at Environmental Policy Solutions is to help
you solve your most complex environmental policy problems by using an
integrative approach to problem solving that is scientifically sound,
economically feasible, and socially acceptable!
Who is
Gabrielle Feldman?

Gabrielle has combined her passion for environmental
conservation and sustainable development with an expert knowledge of state,
federal, and international law into a keen ability to strategically plan using
an integrated approach to problem solving. By utilizing a holistic approach to
solving environmental related problems, she has successfully led several teams
through the complicated planning and implementation processes designed to
conserve natural resources while promoting sustainable development. She has
also implemented a variety of strategic communication, political campaigns,
media outreach, and environmental education and curriculum development programs
for several projects from forestry to marine conservation and environmental
justice. In addition, Gabrielle has successfully developed and implemented
planning tools using uncertainty modeling to aid in decision-making.
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